Welcome to Physical ducationE at Frederick Bremer School.
We teach PE over Key Stage 3, and Key Stage 4 which includes GCSE PE and BTEC Sport, helping all Bremer students to ‘be the best they can be’. Our PE curriculum is rich and varied, encompassing activities such as netball, basketball, table tennis, fitness, football, cricket, athletics, badminton and volleyball.
We believe that there is a sport for everyone, and that people should have fun playing sport no matter what their background, age or ability level. We are proud to teach both GCSE and BTEC Sport to students in Year 10 and 11, and know that these qualifications will be valuable in setting our students up as happy, well rounded adults who are ready for college, university and the world of work. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
PE at Frederick Bremer School has four main aims. We want students to lead a healthy, active lifestyle, develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, be physically active for sustained periods of time and engage in competitive sports and activities.
At Key Stage three, students study PE in order to learn about the rules and regulations of different sporting activities and to develop selected skills in those activities, both in a cooperative and competitive environment. They also learn about the different systems of the body through fitness, and how to warm up and cool down.
All of these aspects prepare students for a life long love of sport, fitness and exercise but also prepares them well for learning at Key Stage 4- whether Core PE, GCSE PE or BTEC Sport.
Through our curriculum at Frederick Bremer, students are able to use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games such as badminton, volleyball, table tennis, netball, football, and basketball. They can develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports such as gymnastics, cricket, tennis, rounders and athletics.
Students analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best in activities such as athletics and fitness, which they partake in from year 7 to 9.
Students also have the opportunity to take part in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs. There is a notice board of all the available sports clubs on the wall in the PE department, and we have many students who play for clubs in the area- one example being AFC Leyton.
Key stage 3 builds on what students have learnt at KS2. We are able to demonstrate this by offering a broad range of activities to every student, and for each activity studying the skills, tactics and strategies needed to be successful in more detail. For example, in basketball, students will learn exact techniques for passing, shooting, dribbling, laying up and rebounding. They will then put these techniques into practise both cooperatively and competitively. They will learn specific rules surrounding each technique, for example the travel and double dribble rule, and will learn to implement these rules to a game situation. They will also experiment with different formations and strategies needed to outwit an opponent or team, such as a direct or short passing strategy to win a game of basketball.
Our PE curriculum at Key Stage 4 has a number of aims:
- Use and develop a variety of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in team and individual games, for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, netball, rounders, and tennis.
- Develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports, for example athletics, or other physical activities, for example, fitness.
- Evaluate their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement across a range of physical activities to achieve their personal best in sports such as Athletics.
- Continue to take part regularly in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs.
At Frederick Bremer School, we also offer two examination based subjects where students can gain a qualification to take forward to further education. These are AQA GCSE PE and BTEC Sport
In GCSE PE, students can leave with a grade 9-1. GCSE PE is assessed in both practical and theory aspects, and consists of two written examinations of 75 minutes each (paper 1 and paper 2).There is also a practical element, whereby students are assessed in three different activities
For further details regarding the curriculum please call or email the head of department, Mr Dixon.
Staff List
Mr Dixon Head of Department
Mr Moore Associate Deputy Headteacher and PE Teacher
Ms Piercey– PE Teacher and Head of Year 9
Mr Alaile– PE Teacher
Mr Brade– PE Teacher
Key Information
Exam Board: GCSE- AQA, BTEC Sport- Edexcel
Pupil grouping
Pupils are taught in mixed ability and mixed sex groups which are usually based on form groups.
KS3 – Homework at KS3 includes questions about particular sports being studied. Students might be asked to create a poster about the rules and regulations in table tennis, for example. They might be asked to answer some challenging questions on what they have learnt in their football or basketball lessons.
KS4 – Homework at KS4 is different for both GCSE PE and BTEC Sport, although there is some overlap in the topic areas. Homework questions will encompass topics such as the skeletal system, the muscular system, the cardiovascular system, the components of fitness, the principles of training, the methods of training, fitness testing and warm up and cool downs.
KS3 -– We assess at KS3 level by practical teacher assessment. Every student is marked out of nine for every activity studied, mirroring the AQA GCSE grading system (studied at KS4) for each individual sport’s success criteria.
Pupils are assessed against a criteria for the expected standard of competency in each activity. Pupils are given rigorous feedback to support them in making improvements in their level of skill and to help them to accurately monitor their level of expertise.
KS4 – We assess at KS4 level by practical teacher assessment and written examinations. Every student is marked out of nine for every activity studied, mirroring the AQA GCSE grading system (studied at KS4) for each individual sport’s success criteria. At GCSE Level, students are marked out of ten for skills and out of fifteen for a game situation in three different activities.
These must be two individual activities and one team, or two team activity and one individual activity. In BTEC Sport, students are assessed in two sports, badminton and basketball, and are awarded a level one pass, level two pass or a level two merit depending on whether they are able to perform in one or two activities. Unit one in BTEC Sport is assessed by written exam, and units three and five by written coursework.
Materials used throughout the subject
CGP AQA GCSE Physical Education Revision Guide for the grade 9-1 course.
CGP AQA GCSE Physical Education Exam Practise Workbook for the grade 9-1 course.
How can you help your child?
Be healthy and active with your child every week. The recommended amount of physical activity is 30 minutes 5 times per week
Join a local sports club with your child. A full list can be seen outside the sports hall on our clubs noticeboard
Buy the two books listed above if your child studies GCSE PE
Encourage your child to join an extracurricular sports club. Our Extra Curricular timetable is on the school website. Your child can also access it from their form tutor and it is on the wall outside the sports hall and on the doors to the changing rooms
What careers can this lead to?
Professional Sportsperson
Sports Psychologist
Sports Coach
PE Teacher
Personal Fitness Trainer
Strength and conditioning coach
Sports Journalist
Pupils may also like to use any of the following websites to help further their knowledge.