
Frederick Bremer School – Student Admissions

School spaces now available.

We currently have a limited number of places available in Year 7, 8, 9 and 11. Admissions for secondary school are coordinated centrally by the local authority and so to apply for one of these places, please contact the Waltham Forest Admissions team.

Please also notify us so that we can look out for your application by emailing .

If you live outside Waltham Forest, you can still apply for a place at Frederick Bremer School. Please click here for the Waltham Forest Admissions section.

Admissions criteria for community schools in Waltham Forest

If there are more applications than there are places available at a school, Waltham Forest will use the following criteria, in priority order, to decide who should be offered a place.

Priority 1 – Looked After Children or Children ‘at risk’
Priority 2 – Medical or Social reasons
Priority 3 – Siblings
Priority 4 – School Staff Children
Priority 5 – Distance

Please click on the tabs to view the priorities.

Priority 1

Priority 1 – Looked After Children or Children ‘at risk’

A looked after child is a child who is or was:

  • in public care i.e. in the care of a Local Authority; or
  • being provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in accordance with Section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989.

For admission purposes, a ‘looked after’ child is a child currently in care or a child who was in care but became subject to an adoption order, child arrangement order, or special guardianship order, immediately after leaving care.

A child is ‘at risk’ if they are currently on or subject to a Child Protection Plan.

If the child is in public care, the application must be completed by their social worker with the name of the local authority, together with a covering letter. If the child is adopted from care, you must provide a copy of the Court Order.


Priority 2

Priority 2 – Medical or Social reasons

Medical or social reasons can only be taken into account where information is provided by the closing date. Failure to provide such information at that stage may affect whether or not the child is allocated a place at the preferred school under this criterion.

Applications will only be considered under this priority if they are supported by a written statement from a doctor, social worker, psychologist or other relevant independent professional. The information must confirm the exceptional medical or social need, and demonstrate how the specified school is the only school that can meet the defined needs of the child.

In all cases the medical or social need must be permanent or long term.

For medical conditions affecting mobility, consideration will only be given for the school nearest to the child’s home.

Examples of possible exceptional medical or social reasons:

  • Any acute or chronic condition that would make it difficult for a child to attend any school other than the closest school to the child’s address
  • Any acute or chronic medical condition that requires regular, long-term attendance at a particular medical establishment which is closest to the school named
  • A child and their family who are considered ‘at risk’ due to circumstances beyond the family’s control such as fleeing domestic violence (housed in a refuge in Waltham Forest) consideration may then be given for the named child to be given a school away from the area of their previous home address for safeguarding purposes
  • An existing restraining order that may put a family ‘at risk’ if the school were to be outside the remit of distance agreed by the courts. The decision for community and voluntary controlled schools will be made by a panel of officers based upon the evidence provided. The panel reserves the right to seek additional professional advice as necessary. Own Admission Authorities, for example Academies, Trusts, Faith Schools, are responsible for making this decision.
  • The decision for community and voluntary controlled schools will be made by a panel of officers based upon the evidence provided. The panel reserves the right to seek additional professional advice as necessary. Own Admission Authorities, for example Academies, Trusts, Faith Schools, are responsible for making this decision.


Priority 3

Priority 3 – Siblings

Sibling means:

A full brother or sister;
A half-brother or sister;
A stepbrother or sister; and
A foster brother or sister;
The child of a parent or carer’s partner living at the same address.

In all cases the sibling must be living at the same address and must still attend the school at the time of admission of the child for whom the application is being made. If you do not provide the name and date of birth of your child’s sibling we will not be able to take it into account and it will affect your child’s chances of being offered a place at that school.


Priority 4

Priority 4 – School Staff Children

Children of members of staff who have been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission is made, or who are recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

You must provide a letter from the school in support of your application confirming that you are employed by them and fall within this criteria.


Priority 5

Priority 5 – Distance

Distance is measured from the child’s permanent address to the main gate of the school.

Distance is measured from the child’s permanent address to the main gate of the school.

Distance is measured using a straight line (using the Local Land and Property Gazetteer).

All distances will be measured in miles using a computerised mapping system called Routefinder GIS.

If more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building (for example, flats) priority will be given to the applicant whose door number is the lowest numerically and/or alphabetically.

Where two or more applicants (who are not from multiple births) are found to live exactly the same distance from the school, a lottery tie-break draw will take place with the assistance of a third impartial party.



Special Educational Needs

Children who have a Statement of SEN or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan are placed in schools under the terms of the Education Act 1996 and the Children and Families Act 2014. They are not considered under the Admission Criteria referred to below. These children and young people will be allocated a place at the school named on the statement or EHC Plan.

Multiple births

If the last child to be offered a place is one of multiple births, all multiple birth siblings will be admitted to the school.

If you are interested in visiting the school or have a question regarding admissions, please call 0208 498 3340 or email and we will contact you to help with your enquiry.