Computer Science

This page is currently being updated. Please contact the head of department if you require further information.

Welcome to Computer Science. The Computing department at Frederick Bremer School aims to equip students with the skills to participate in a rapidly-changing world through challenging and engaging topics.

Students will develop an understanding and application in the fundamental principles of computer science by having the opportunity to write programs, design webpages and produce professional digital products.

Computing skills are a major factor in enabling pupils to be confident, creative and independent learners and it is our intention that pupils have every opportunity available to allow them to achieve this.

The Computing department at Frederick Bremer aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

In Computer Science we are dedicated to ensuring our students leave with the skills to fully embrace a future of rapidly advancing computer technology.


Key Stage 3 – These are skills which are started within KS3 and developed further at Key Stage 4 to meet the OCR Examination Specification

Computer Science at Key Stage Three is split up into 3 main areas of study. Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. These 3 main areas of study are then divided up into 6 different pathways:

Programming & Development
Data & Data Representation
Hardware & Processing
Communication & Networks
Information Technology

We begin Year 7 with an exploration of Microsoft Office programmes. We use this to assess gaps in knowledge and skills that will prevent access to our whole school curriculum. We also prioritise units to support children to understand E-Safety.

The reason for this is because as students start to transition into teenagers they become more confident with using social media applications and the internet. Students need to be aware of the dangers of using these gadgets and applications. The remaining projects we do throughout Year 7 look at algorithms and automated control, spreadsheets modelling a real world problem and also computer crime and cyber security.

At the end of the year students are then introduced to creating basic programs using Scratch which uses a simple block interface to create programs to match a given problem. This allows for the introduction to decomposition, sequencing, iteration and selection concepts of programming.

In Year 8 we again visit E-Safety but by looking at other elements of staying safe online. This allows us to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of further dangers of staying safe online. Further to this we then study a range of units, mainly looking at introducing more programming skills to students by both block and script based programming. Programming skills develop from beginning to more complex tasks through the units of work.

In Year 9 we look at Data Representation and control technology. The curriculum in year 9 is linked more to the GCSE specification and in many units there is a crossover with the GCSE specification although taught using different resources.

We enhance our curriculum through a project delivered to all pupils as part of their Drop Down Day curriculum.

In year 10 and 11, pupils study the OCR Computer Science GCSE that aims to encourage students to develop their understanding and application of the core concepts in computer science. Students also analyse problems in computational terms and devise creative solutions by designing, writing, testing and evaluating programs. It will develop students’ creative, logical and critical thinking skills through teaching the impact of digital technology in our current society and how these change the way we work today.

The course also has some mathematical content which is relevant to Computer Science. The course consists of two units: two written exam papers worth 50% each.

Unit 1 (J277/01) Computer Systems:
Systems Architecture
Memory and Storage
Computer Networks, Connections and Protocols
Network Security
Systems Software
Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Impacts of Digital Technology

Unit 2 (J277/02) Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming:
Programming Fundamentals
Producing Robust Programs
Boolean Logic
Programming Languages and Integrated Development Environments

In Year 10 pupils will cover topics such as computational thinking, algorithms and programming and translators and facilities of languages. They will also carry out a Programming Project which enables learners to improve their programming techniques which include design and development; effectiveness and efficiency; technical understanding; testing, evaluation and conclusions. Some other topics which they will look into are how processors work and investigating computer memory and storage.

In Year 11 pupils will have the opportunity to explore modern network layouts and how they function. Cyber Security has become a very important skill that pupils need to learn and will have the opportunity to further their understanding of all the different types of threats to data and strategies on how to prevent these threats. Other areas that will also be covered are to investigate how types of software are used within computer systems and how computers affect ethical, legal, cultural and environmental issues.

We also offer ICT Btec as a curriculum option in some year groups. 

For further details regarding the curriculum please call or email the head of department, Ms Younes.

Staff List

Ms Younes Head of Faculty
Mr Hanif– Computer Science and Business Teacher
Ms Pervaiz– Computer Science and Business Teacher

Key Information

Exam Board: OCR

Pupil grouping: Pupils are in taught in mixed ability groups.


KS3 – Homework is set every fortnight for an hour. This will be a range of tasks to encourage independent learning skills, practice exam questions and to practice programming tasks.

KS4 – Homework will be set every week for an hour. Students will be expected to do some flip learning in preparation for lessons, which may amount to watching a video or completing topic reading. They may also have work which was not completed in the lesson, including multiple choice questions on Google Forms and exam style questions. There will also be a range of tasks to encourage independent learning skills, practice exam questions and to practice programming tasks.


KS3 – Pupils have end of unit assessments after each unit. In year 7 and 8, assessments are out of 30 marks and in year 9, assessments are out of 40 marks. There is a strong correlation between key stage 3 assessments and GCSE exam assessments as they are very similar in style and structure. Key stage 3 assessments contribute towards pupil working levels.

KS4 – Cumulative assessments each half term and mock exams.

Materials used throughout the subject

KS3- Python Software for practising programming, Worksheets and Computing Videos on youtube
KS4- Revision guides, Python Software for practising programming, Worksheets and Computing Videos on youtube

How can you help your child?

  • Getting your child to weekly practice their programming skills at home
  • Encouraging them to complete their homework
  • Checking Google Classroom for homework set and catching up lessons

What careers can this lead to?

It is estimated that the UK will create 1.2 million more digital jobs by 2022. This will leave an enormous technical skills gap if there are not enough skilled people to fill the jobs. In the Computer Science department, we aim to give our students the skills and knowledge to allow them to fill the digital jobs of the present and future.

Computer Science at Bremer encourages critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills through programming and computer science theory. As computers are used in every industry and people’s personal lives, they need to be able to use computers safely and responsibly.

Some of the careers you can go into are:

Software Developer
Applications Programmer
Systems Programmer
Multimedia Programmer
Systems Analyst
Computer Sales Support
Database Administrator
IT Technical Support Officer


Pupils may also like to use any of the following websites to help further their knowledge:

Teach-ict – A website full of resources for both key stage 3 and 4 that includes theory notes, videos, worksheets and quizzes and exam practice to help you further your knowledge.

BBC Bitesize – Both for key stage 3 and 4 computing, BBC Bitesize is a free online study support resource designed to help with learning, revision and homework.

Python Practice – Learn to code with this website that allows you to improve your knowledge using many different programming languages.

Online Python IDE – A web based program that allows you to practice python programming through writing out code.

OCR Website – Find past papers and mark schemes to practice exam questions to make yourself ready for your final exams.

Google Drive Computer Science Learning Zone.