
Welcome to the Humanities Faculty at Frederick Bremer. The humanities faculty believes that the study of Humanities focuses on the development of student knowledge, skills and values associated with human society and its progression, in the past, present and into the future.

Humanities teach pupils to be curious about the world and to develop into well-rounded global citizens. We believe all pupils at any level can enjoy Humanities. It is an inclusive curriculum that aims to support student understanding of different cultures and perspectives.

We teach a range of different subjects across the faculty to allow our pupils to become well informed global citizens. These subjects range from Citizenship, Geography, History, PSHE, Social Legal Studies, Sociology to Ethics (Religious Studies).



The values that underpin the Citizenship curriculum at Frederick Bremer is building capacity for young people to contribute to the communities they belong to in a positive and meaningful way.

The purpose of the Citizenship curriculum at Frederick Bremer is to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills to prepare them for life in modern Britain.

Ultimately, we believe meaningful Citizenship education will give pupils the motivation to become active citizens who support their local and global community.

Citizenship helps pupils to understand the values of British society and how its institutions embody these values, including democracy, government and how laws are made and upheld. Students are taught how they can contribute to society whether in the democratic process or through volunteering and community work.

We aim to expose students to a range of local, national and global issues that impact their lives today, in the hope that as adults they make positive changes to their local, national and global community.

The skills developed in the Citizenship classroom, in conjunction with the wider Humanities curriculum, gives students an appreciation of well evidenced and reasoned arguments and gives them opportunities to develop these themselves.


The History curriculum at Frederick Bremer is designed to build a broad and developed understanding of the past of British and World history with an acknowledgement of the interconnected nature and influence of the past onto the present and the future.

Furthermore the history curriculum aims to recognise and inform students about the diversity and multicultural nature of the British isles throughout the last 1000 years. The curriculum aims to enrich students’ knowledge of the past beyond cultural capital, and to understand the events and their significance and impact on each other.

Students will develop their analytical skills of historical evidence and their understanding of different perspectives historians have on past events. It is for students to continue to foster a desire to understand and interpret the complexity of the past human story and its influence on us today and to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary in the 21st century.


Every geography lesson is planned with the primary aim that it will stimulate the minds of the students, whilst providing further questions for future study/discussion and students will be able to apply what they have learnt to real life examples and make further sense of the world around them.

We feel we have (collaboratively) constructed a relevant and engaging geographical education that inspires whilst preparing pupils for success not just at GCSE but in the 21st century.

Through a range of teaching and learning styles/tasks we further aim to complement our students’ broad and topical geographical education with a range of analytical, evaluative and creative transferable skills that equip them for the wider world.

Social Legal Studies/Sociology

Both Social Legal Studies and Sociology develops students’ awareness of society and the impact that individuals can have on society and the way that society impacts individuals. Students should have an understanding of how they can contribute to society in a meaningful way and through social legal studies we hope to equip them with the knowledge and skills to prepare them for life in modern Britain.

In addition, Sociology aims to develop students’ critical and reflective thinking by engaging in discussion on contemporary issues and developing a sociological awareness of the world we live in.

Ultimately, we believe a meaningful sociology and Social legal studies education will give pupils the motivation to become active citizens who support their local and global community. Sociology helps students to understand British society and the issues that communities and individuals face and how to overcome and challenge these issues.

The purpose of the curriculum is so students are taught how to navigate modern British society and how they can contribute to society through the democratic process. (social legal studies). Students explore key issues such as knife crime, extremism, inequality and how individuals and the government can challenge these issues.

Religious Studies

The values that underpin the RS curriculum at Frederick Bremer is to promote tolerance, inclusion and community cohesion.

The RS curriculum contributes to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils at Frederick Bremer. RS aims to develop student understanding about the different religious traditions in their own community and across the world.

Through RS students understand important things about themselves and the world. Our curriculum aims to build on core concepts (beliefs, texts, history, practices/daily life, festivals and celebrations and life in that tradition in the 21st Century) through studying the world’s major religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism).

Students then apply their understanding of the religious beliefs to a range of real life contexts and compare and contrast the perspectives.

Staff List

Ms Staten – Head of Humanities
Ms Bowtell – 2in charge of Humanities
Ms Marchant- Daisley – Head of Year 9 and Humanities Teacher
Mr Carryl – Head of Year 7 and Humanities Teacher
Ms Mason – Humanities Teacher
Ms Ashby – Humanities Teacher
Ms Jamil – Humanities Teacher
Ms Julius – Humanities Teacher 
Ms King – Associate Senior Leader –  Humanities Teacher 
Ms Binns – Assistant Head Teacher – Humanities Teacher 
Ms Skelhorne – Deputy Head Teacher – Humanities Teacher 
Ms Smith – Headteacher – Humanities Teacher

Key Information

Exam Board: Citizenship – Edexcel, Geography – Edexcel, History – Edexcel, Sociology – AQA, Religious Studies – AQA

Course Structure:
Y7/Y8 x 4 lessons Combined Humanities, Y9 x 6 lessons a week (X2 Geography, X2 History, X2 Social Legal Studies)
KS4 x 3 lessons a week

Pupil grouping: Pupils are taught in mixed ability.


KS3 – Minimum of two pieces of home learning for each unit
KS4 – Weekly homework set of the following: Retrieval Practice & Exam question practice


Unit summative and formative assessments
Knowledge checkpoints within each unit.

Unit summative and formative assessments
Weekly Exam question practice

Materials used throughout the subject

Class lessons and resources are uploaded to Google Classroom.

KS3 – Subject specialists use a range of resources to support our units of work. All are available on google classroom.

KS4 – Seneca Learning website is used to support knowledge and skills for subjects, Suggested KS4 revision books are listed on google classroom and on subject overview information videos.

We strive to ensure that all materials used in our units are continually updated to be in line with the most recent information regarding our different humanities subject areas.


Pupils may also like to use any of the following websites to help further their knowledge:

General knowledge
Seneca Learning
Khan Academy
GCSE – BBC Bitesize

Only for KS4 – We have specific subject sites on google drive for all students to access resources for their subjects.  

KS4 Exam websites:

How can you help your child?

Ensure that they complete homework on time and to the best of their ability

Check their understanding of the key aspects of knowledge from their different units. Retrieval knowledge questions are available in their booklets for KS3 to aid quizzing them. Revision countdown booklets are used at KS4.

Encourage discussion with them about recent/ current events to help support their understanding of the world and enflame their curiosity.

Take them to visit local places of interests e.g. Epping Forest, Stratford, museums, galleries etc.. linked to different Humanities subjects to further their knowledge and interest.

Explore a range of wider reading book topics on the various subjects we cover in humanities that they may be interested in to encourage independence, curiosity and knowledge.

What careers can this lead to?

Due to the range of subjects we teach in Humanities and the overlapping skills that they develop, there are many careers that are available to students.

These include, but are not limited to:

Publishing and Journalism
Travel sector
Public administration and/or Civil service
Marketing and Media
Human resources
Film & TV