Frederick Bremer School is an 11-16 community school in Walthamstow, Waltham Forest. We are a non-selective school for the local community, and we are representative of the community we serve. We are an inclusive school, and whilst we are very diverse, every pupil is known for who they are and the richness of their character.
We are
- an 11-16 Community School for 900 pupils in Walthamstow, London
- diverse and inclusive, with over 40 languages spoken
We believe
- ‘Everyone should be the very best they can be’
- in our values of Innovative, Ambitious and Inclusive
- that every child matters
- learning should be interesting, relevant and fun
- strong relationships underpin successful learning
- safety is our priority at all times
We organise our curriculum so that every pupil
- is in mixed ability classes across the school, with the exception of Maths and Science (at KS4 only)
- experiences a broad and balanced curriculum built around EBacc subjects and enhanced by the Creativity curriculum
- has the opportunity to study a rigorous GCSE curriculum of up to 10 GCSEs
- is truly known, nourished and supported to be the very best they can be and become who they want to be (through our inclusive approach and commitment to the equality agenda)
We innovate our curriculum by offering
- all pupils the opportunity to study and own a classical instrument (Violin, Viola or Flute in Y7and Y8) as part of the MiSST programme
- a broad and balanced two year Key Stage Four curriculum where pupils study, at least, 8 subjects
We believe every pupil is a mainstream pupil
- so we make sure every member of staff understands pupils learning needs
- we have a highly specialist SEN team to support pupils within the Autistic Provision, and with other SEND needs, in lessons
- we ensure that our building and our classrooms are fully inclusive to all
- so our TAs work with a range of pupils in class, and you will often see the teacher working closely with the SEND pupil
We ensure every pupil is challenged to succeed in lessons by
- making sure every lesson makes use of data to plan for pupils needs
- ensuring that teachers have seating plans showing how they are catering for pupils
- having on-going training to ensure that our teaching pedagogy is the most appropriate
We use data powerfully to track progress by
- using KS2 data to set flightpaths for potential pupil progress based on 4 levels of progress for most pupils and continually review pupils’ progress against these measures
- assessing pupils using GCSE / BTEC grades across the whole school
We use feedback as a tool to support learning so you will see
- in books and lessons, lots of peer and self-assessment
- in books and lessons, pupils responding to this feedback and making improvements
- in books and lessons, teachers mark diagnostically selected pieces (they do not mark everything in books)
- and hear lots of questions – both from teachers and between pupils